
Daniel-M's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 2,595 (From 377 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 42,790 Points

Super Marshmallow Kingdom

Medals Earned: 9/10 (190/290 points)

Crumby And Rich 10 Points

Get 1000 coins

Fun On A Bun 10 Points

Get score of 100

I have Friends 10 Points

Play with a friend, or by yourself in two player mode...

I like my toast burnt 10 Points

Catch on fire!

Business Toast 25 Points

Fully Upgrade More Money Ability

Get a loaf of this 25 Points

Get 10'000 Coins

Must Be Mobile 25 Points

Check out the mobile link

Shiny Items 25 Points

Fully Upgrade An Item

Wave 10 Wonder 50 Points

Get up to wave 10

RyeTea Oh than 100 Points

Get 1000 Score

Super Ryucopter

Medals Earned: 1/3 (10/160 points)

quit spamming ya buttmunch 10 Points

throw 100 hadoukens


defeat all large enemies

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

super sweatshop mastar

Medals Earned: 1/3 (25/175 points)

1000 km 25 Points

Go 1000 km for the mother land

5000 km 50 Points

Go 5000 km for great power

10000 km 100 Points

Go 10000 km to prove your loyalty

Switch - Reaction Game

Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/180 points)

75 Points 5 Points

Obtain a score of 75 or more in a game on any difficulty - you could probably do this with your eyes closed.

125 Points 25 Points

Obtain a score of 125 in a game on any difficulty - this is pretty tough, but a good eye and a quick mouse will see you on your way.

150 Points 50 Points

Obtain a score of 150 or more in a game of any difficulty - if you get this, you're a speed demon.

250 Points 100 Points

Obtain a score of 250 or more in a game of any difficulty - abandon hope all ye who enter here.

Sydney Shark

Medals Earned: 14/17 (400/525 points)

AirbusA380 25 Points

Take down the Airbus A380

BAEHawk 25 Points

Take down the BAE Hawk

BroadcastHeli 25 Points

Take down the Broadcast helicopter

CH46SeaKnight 25 Points

Take down the CH46 Sea Knight helicopter

CrocodileJet 25 Points

Take down the crocodile jet

DHC2Beaver 25 Points

Take down the DHC 2 Beaver

HH65Dolphin 25 Points

Take down the HH65Dolphin helicopter

NuclearRocket 25 Points

Nuke Sydney

Orca 25 Points

Eat 60 pieces of Orca

Sailplane 25 Points

Take down the sailplane

UFO 25 Points

Take down the UFO

Zeppelin 25 Points

Take down the zeppelin

Horse 50 Points

Kill 9 horses

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Kayak 25 Points

Crush 10 kayaks

Passenger 50 Points

Kill 30 cruise ship passengers

SkyDiver 50 Points

Kill 10 sky divers

T-FULP: Questing For Club

Medals Earned: 1/5 (5/145 points)

The Leslie Nielsen Medal of Honor 5 Points

Thoroughly read the instructions like you should.

The Prerequisistor 5 Points

Brush up on your knowledge of Newgrounds before playing the game!

You Really Did It 25 Points


You're a Weiner! 100 Points

Complete your quest for club!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Tails the Fox

Medals Earned: 4/16 (80/500 points)

Kirby Stomping 10 Points

You stomped on a Kirby.

That Was My Foot 10 Points

Sonic stepped on your foot.

Tutorial Complete 10 Points

You completed the stupid tutorial.

Ring Collected 50 Points

You found a hidden ring and obtained a shield.

Bat Hunting 10 Points

You hutned down a Zubat.

Kill Link 10 Points

You killed Link before he could kill you.

Level 1 Complete 25 Points

You triumphed over the Kirbies and beat the first level.

Level 2 Complete 25 Points

You beat Link and completed Level 2.

Level 3 Complete 25 Points

You dodged the Squirtles and completed Level 3.

Spike Free 25 Points

You won the game without touching any spikes.

Turtle Season 25 Points

You broke a Squirtle in half.

1up 50 Points

You found a hidden 1up and gained an extra life.

Level 4 Complete 50 Points

You outflew the Zubats and completed Level 4.

Level 5 Complete 50 Points

You battled some old foes and completed Level 5.

You Win 100 Points

You stomped on Sonic's face and beat the game!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Tax Time!

Medals Earned: 3/3 (85/85 points)

Burn Baby Burn! 10 Points

Forgo your worldly posessions.

Stick it to the Man! 25 Points

Deliver your taxes to the IRS in a timely manner.

Auto Recall 50 Points

Send a Lexus back to the shop.

Ten Second Slaughters

Medals Earned: 11/11 (230/230 points)

Deca-Deathfest 5 Points

Defeat Qwarto.

Start of Something Less Than Beautiful 5 Points

Defeat Snurfles.

All or Nothing 10 Points

Defeat every enemy up to and including Hergaderg by putting all your upgrades on one tower.

Average Player 10 Points

Defeat every enemy up to and including Mikmok by evenly distributing all your upgrades among all three towers.

Balls-Out 10 Points

Defeat every enemy up to and including Wizzam without using any upgrades.

Mass Murderer 25 Points

Defeat Fitsfop.

Just Short of Genocide 50 Points

Defeat Waveful.

Annihilation 100 Points

Defeat Perteeyoo.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Tentacle Wars

Medals Earned: 6/20 (40/455 points)

Level 01 5 Points

It's time to learn some tricks

Level 02 5 Points

Team: step back then protect front line

Level 03 5 Points

Dominate! This is your only salvation

Level 04 5 Points

Cut! In the right place, at the right time

Level 05 10 Points

Master the craft of war

Level 06 10 Points

What a huge life form!

Level 07 10 Points

Your enemies - are enemies to each other

Level 08 10 Points

Get out of my corner

Level 09 10 Points

Try walking in their shoes

Level 10 10 Points

Is this place safe to hide forever?

Level 11 25 Points


Level 12 25 Points

Quick Victory: finish with him as soon as possible

Level 13 25 Points

This should be easy

Level 14 25 Points

Neutral wall

Level 15 25 Points

Between the devil and the deep blue sea

Level 16 50 Points

Run as fast as you can

Level 17 50 Points

Quick team trick

Level 18 50 Points

Behind the wall

Level 19 50 Points

Predator is the top life form - become him!

Level 20 50 Points

They have no chance to survive...